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Meet our new Specialist Orthodontist

Meet Our Orthodontic Expert - Dr Vandana Katyal

If you are looking for a trusted specialist to straighten your smile then you are in luck! Emergency Dentist Sydney is proud to announce our latest team member - Orthodontic specialist, Dr Vandana Katyal.

Dr Vandana is an Australian-certified and registered Specialist Orthodontist with over 1,000 successful clear aligner treatments. She is a pioneer and a leader in using the latest 3D technologies to help deliver predictable and fast orthodontic treatments using clear aligners. 

She has a number of Bachelor, Masters and Doctorate certifications behind her name and her orthodontic publications have been met with great critical acknowledgment. Dr Vandana is awarded and globally recognised alongside other distinguished Australian leaders in the field of Orthodontics.

Dr Vandana owns the Digital Orthodontic College - where she delivers accredited orthodontic courses and provides support to up-and-coming dentists. Additionally, she owns Clean Clear & Correct Smiles - an orthodontic aligners clinic based in Sydney.

What is an Orthodontist?

At its core, orthodontics is the branch of dentistry dedicated to diagnosing, preventing, and correcting irregularities in tooth and jaw alignment. These irregularities, commonly referred to as malocclusions, can range from crowded or crooked teeth to overbites, underbites, and crossbites.

Orthodontists are the experts in these matters, armed with an arsenal of tools and techniques to transform misaligned teeth into perfectly positioned pearls.

Their journey begins with rigorous dental training followed by specialised orthodontic education. With this extensive knowledge, orthodontists perform treatments including traditional braces, clear aligners, and retainers, to straighten teeth and align jaws.

Interestingly, their meticulous work isn't just about aesthetics; it also ensures proper dental function and can even alleviate problems like speech difficulties and sleep apnea.

In the hands of an orthodontist, smiles can become masterpieces and self-esteem soars. They are able to precisely sculpt smiles that light up faces and literally transform lives.

How does teeth straightening work?

Teeth straightening is a transformative process blending together biology, mechanics and modern dental technology. Here’s how it works:

  1. Diagnosis: The journey begins with a thorough assessment by an orthodontist, using X-rays, photographs, and impressions (dental mould) to evaluate the misalignment and create a personalised treatment plan.

  2. Application of Force: The magic happens through the application of gentle, controlled force. Traditional braces consist of brackets glued to each tooth, connected by wires. The orthodontist adjusts the wires at intervals, guiding teeth into the desired positions over time. Clear aligners (Invisalign) follow a similar process, however, instead of altering wires, the aligner mould is regularly adjusted instead.

  3. Bone Remodeling: Teeth are anchored in the jawbone. As pressure is applied, bone cells called osteoclasts and osteoblasts respond, reshaping the bone to accommodate the tooth's new position. This biological process is called bone remodelling.

  4. Modern Alternatives: As briefly mentioned above, Invisalign, a popular alternative, uses a series of custom-made clear aligners that gradually shift teeth. Unlike traditional braces, they are removable and nearly invisible. More on this later…

  5. Retention: After the teeth reach their desired alignment, retention is crucial. Retainers, often removable, help maintain the new positions and prevent relapse. After the completion of orthodontic treatment, a retainer will ideally need to be worn nightly in order to maintain perfect results.

Invisalign vs Traditional Braces

Achieving a perfectly aligned smile has never been more accessible, thanks to advancements in technology. The two forms of orthodontic solutions we will be comparing are traditional braces - often metal or ceramic in material; and clear aligners, made of a transparent medical-grade form of plastic.

Both traditional braces and clear aligners offer distinct paths to teeth straightening, each with their own advantages and considerations:

Traditional Braces:

  • Effective but Visible: Traditional braces are renowned for their effectiveness in treating even complex orthodontic issues. They consist of brackets affixed to each tooth, connected by wires. While they may be noticeable, they excel in precision and control.

  • Fixed and Consistent: Once placed, traditional braces are a constant force in action, requiring minimal patient compliance. Regular adjustments by the orthodontist ensure a gradual, controlled shift of teeth.

  • Dental Health: Braces can make oral hygiene a bit more challenging due to their fixed nature, but advancements like self-ligating braces have improved this aspect.

Clear Aligners (e.g., Invisalign):

  • Invisible and Removable: Clear aligners are virtually invisible and can be removed for eating, brushing, and special occasions. They offer a discreet option for those seeking a less conspicuous treatment.

  • Patient Responsibility: Compliance is key with clear aligners. Patients must wear them for at least 22 hours a day and change trays at prescribed intervals, which requires discipline.

  • Comfort and Convenience: Aligners are more comfortable than braces, with no wires or brackets to cause irritation. They also make oral hygiene easier.

Choosing the Right Option:

The choice between traditional braces and clear aligners ultimately depends on individual needs, preferences, and the orthodontic issues to be addressed.

Traditional braces shine in complex cases, while clear aligners offer a discreet, comfortable, and convenient solution for mild to moderate misalignments. Consulting with an orthodontist is the first step to determining which path leads to your perfect smile.

Meet Dr Vandana Katyal today

If you are considering teeth straightening, then the best course of action is to book an appointment with Emergency Dentist Sydney and you will be advised of the best solution for you - whether that be clear aligners or clear aligners.



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