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How does root canal work?

Root Canal To The Rescue

Root canal is a common dental procedure that is performed to remove infected or damaged pulp from the inside of a tooth. The pulp is a soft tissue in the centre of a tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. When the pulp becomes infected or damaged, it can cause pain, swelling, and even tooth loss if left untreated. Root canal therapy removes the infected or damaged pulp and saves the tooth.

While root canal therapy may have a reputation for being painful and scary, in actual fact, it's actually a pretty cool procedure that can save your tooth from certain doom! In this blog, we're going to take a closer look at root canal therapy and explain why it's not as bad as you may have heard.

What is root canal?

Root canal is a highly effective procedure that can prevent the need for more extensive and expensive dental treatments in the future. If you are experiencing pain or other symptoms associated with an infected or damaged tooth, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

So, what exactly is a root canal? It's a procedure where your dentist removes the damaged or infected pulp (the soft tissue inside your tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels) and replaces it with a material known as ‘Gutta Percha’ which can save your tooth. It's like getting a second chance at a healthy, functioning tooth!

Whenever possible, your dental professional will always recommend that you go for root canal as opposed to extracting the tooth and replacing it with an artificial solution such as a dental implant. Root canal is far less intrusive and can last a much longer time than anything artificial is likely to.

How much does root canal cost?

The cost of a root canal in Sydney can vary, but on average it ranges from $1,800 to $2,500 for a front tooth and $1,800 to $4,000 for a molar. The exact cost will depend on the location of the tooth being treated, the extent of the damage or infection, and the dentist's fees.

If you have dental insurance, then this may cover some (or all) of the cost of a root canal, but this will depend on your specific plan and coverage. Before taking on a new insurance plan, always remember to find out what is covered and to get an estimate of your out-of-pocket expenses.

It is also important to remember that neglecting a damaged or infected tooth can lead to more serious and costly problems in the future, so it is generally a good investment to get the necessary treatment.

If you suddenly find yourself experiencing prolonged pain then make sure to always seek out a dentist as quickly as possible. Like with any health-related concern, the quicker you react to an issue, the more likely it is to get fixed successfully. The Emergency Dentist Sydney team are always ready for a call, night or day.

How does root canal work

how root canal works:

  1. Anesthesia: First things first, your dentist will numb the area around the tooth to reduce any discomfort during the procedure. You may feel a bit of a tingle, but it's nothing to worry about.

  2. Accessing the pulp: Your dentist will then make a small opening in the top of the tooth to access the pulp. This is where the magic happens!

  3. Cleaning and shaping the canal: Using tiny instruments, your dentist will remove the damaged or infected pulp from the canal. (This part is a bit like cleaning out a clogged drain - but instead of hair and gunk, it's damaged pulp). They will then shape the canal to prepare it for filling.

  4. Filling the canal: Once the canal is cleaned, your dentist will fill it with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha to prevent bacteria from entering the tooth. (This step is like putting a plug in the drain to keep it from clogging up again).

  5. Sealing the tooth: Your dentist will then place a temporary filling in the opening and send you to another appointment where a permanent crown or filling will be placed to protect your tooth. (like putting a lid on a jar to keep the contents safe and secure).

So there you have it - that's how root canal therapy works! And despite its reputation, it's actually not that bad. You may experience some discomfort and sensitivity after the procedure, but over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage any pain. And the best part? Your saved tooth can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance.

how effective is root canal

How effective is root canal?

While root canal therapy is highly effective with a first-time success rate of over 95%, the effectiveness of root canal therapy depends on the extent of the damage or infection, the health of the surrounding teeth and gums, and the patient's compliance with aftercare instructions.

Dental professionals today have access to advanced technology and training, meaning that root canal therapy can be performed to the highest standards. This is why it is important to choose a dentist with a high level of expertise. The better the dentist and equipment used, the higher the chance of success and the longer your saved tooth will last.

Today, due to advances in technology, rather than using a traditional drill to perform root canal therapy, a laser can be used instead. According to Paramount Dental Sydney: “Making use of a laser, instead of a drill, really does make a difference. The laser can 'boil away' the damaged tissue with far greater accuracy and speed and the tooth is left considerably cleaner”. You can find out more laser root canal vs traditional root canal here.

Is Root Canal right for me?

In conclusion, root canal therapy is an extremely common and highly effective procedure that can ultimately save your tooth. The next time you hear someone say "root canal", remember that it's really not very scary at all!

If you are experiencing symptoms associated with an infected or damaged tooth, it is important to seek treatment from a dentist as soon as possible.


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