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How to Prepare for Dental Implant Surgery

The best ways to ensure a better outcome when you go to the dentist

Preparing for any type of dental surgery can be a little intimidating. When you go in for dental implant surgery, your dentist will obviously be doing most of the work. However, there are things you can do before the surgery that will improve your outcome. And following these steps may help lessen your anxiety at the same time.

1.     Be Honest with Your Dentist

Before your dental implant procedure, your dentist will do a consultation with you. This will include a medical exam and you will also have to inform them of your medical history. It’s important that you’re completely honest at this stage. Issues like smoking, your diet, drinking, and any medical conditions can affect how well you heal and how you react to medications. So, make sure that you’re honest and remember that your dentist has heard it all before.

2.     Expect Medical Tests

Dental implant surgery is a complicated procedure that replaces broken or missing teeth with titanium posts and permanently fixed teeth. Before you have this procedure, your dentist needs to know if your jaw can support the implants and the best way to perform it. That’s why they’ll perform an x-ray at the very least and perhaps even a CT scan if they need more information on the thickness of your jawbone. This is necessary if you want teeth that look great and don’t give you any trouble, so be patient with the testing process.

3.     Keep your Dentist Informed

The period leading up to your dental implant surgery is important, so make sure you keep your dentist informed about any changes. If you catch a cold or flu it will affect your healing and may make the procedure more dangerous, so let them know.


4.     Follow Pre-op Instructions

Your dentist will give you a list of instructions to follow in the hours leading up to your surgery. Make sure that you follow them to avoid problems during or after your treatment. Here are some instructions your dentist will give you:

  • Don’t eat or drink for between 6-12 hours before the surgery.

  • You mustn’t drive for 24 hours after, so make sure that someone is coming to pick you up afterwards.

  • If you’re anxious before your surgery, then let the dentist know because they have treatment options that can help.

  • Get plenty of rest in the week after your surgery.

Emergency Dentist Sydney Says:

If you have a dental emergency, contact our Emergency Dentist in Sydney. Our caring and expert staff are available 24 hours a day to help you with all your emergency dental needs.


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