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Where Do I Look?

Should I open or close my eyes at the dentist?

As if the normal level of anxiety you get before going to the dentist wasn’t enough…. Now you have to stress about where to look! The ceiling? Boring. The light? Ouch my eyes! Straight into the dentist’s eyes? OMG, awkward! No, don’t do that. Rest assured, there’s no need to stress once you arrive at Paramount Dental Sydney.

Calm should set upon you before you even reach the practice… walking across the pristinely green Hyde Park in Sydney, you don’t even need to venture beyond Elizabeth Street into the hustle and bustle of the city. Step into the heritage St James Trust building and into Paramount Dental…. Is that Heaven? No, it’s simply impeccable mood lighting to put your nerves at ease.

We’re in the business of smiles here and that’s exactly what you’ll receive at reception. Drift across the room and you’ll see the gorgeous park you likely just walked across.

Not getting the clinical smells that you remember from dentist visits of yesteryear? That’s because they don’t exist here at Paramount Dental Sydney we’ve replaced them with decadent scented candles, designed to put your senses into a state of bliss.

At this point, you’ll feel so relaxed you’ll want nothing else but to lay in our comfortable dentist chairs. What’s that on the ceiling?? Yes that Netflix… or is it Stan?.... no I think it’s Kim Kardashian smiling at me from the flatscreen TV on Hayu. Not your style? That’s fine, we can change to any account you want.

I can see the sun shining… why isn’t it hurting my eyes? Oh, that’s because our windows are fitted with light-reflecting glass. Now that your eyes are resting… how about giving your ears a break too from any sounds of drills or suction? Pop on the noise-cancelling headphones and drift off to any place you’d rather be.

If you’re visiting us for a more involved treatment, or maybe the anxiety is just too much, we understand that a scented candle and Netflix may not cut it. Well, we’ve got this situation covered too. Check out some of the items from our sedation menu.

Once it’s all over, you don’t even need to worry about how you’re going to pay. We have payment options for any budget.

So as a rule, just like the sun, don’t stare directly in to your dentist’s eyes. But if you do, we forgive you! AND if you don’t know where to look, feel comfortable shutting your eyes and relaxing for a moment.


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